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Cheryl Johnson Artist thanks Saatchi Art SOLD Painting_Studio Visit4

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Go to my site: Post Be  Cre ART ive.
Go to my site: Wondering how to be more creative and inspired.  Life is an incredible journey and we stumble our way along searching for self. Wish I had more time to peruse the Art Institue of Chicago  When there last my most memorable pieces were works by \ My two favorites William de Kooning and Anslem Kieffer Anselm Kiefer German, born 1945 The Order of the Angels (Die Ordnung der Engel) , 1983/84 Photo by Art Institute of Chicago Willem de Kooning's "Interchanged" is in the foreground and Jackson Pollock's “Number 17A" is in the background to the right.
Go to my site: It is Fall in Wisconsin. I have been visiting for a month due to health issues. Gall Bladder is gone and now on the mend. What am now surrounded by four-legged creatures and have come to love their energy and presence.  What wonderful subjects they are.

Continuing to Continue

Go to my site: Piano Inspiration Series I am first and foremost an artist. I love creating. Painting is my passion and each day I am blessed to be able to draw or paint or simply create. I work hard and am learning about creating an online presence and am always thrilled when someone wants to purchase an original or a print.  Believe me, it takes a lot of work. So I must remind myself to keep going and keep believing in my gift and the talent I have been given. I am blessed to have a partner who supports and encourages me. Every day I am thankful for my blessings. Please take the time to peruse my various online sites and give me some feedback or subscribe to my newsletter. Get Cheryl Johnson Artist Newsletter: New Paintings Featured Sign up to receive your selected communications from Cheryl Johnson. Your information will be used in accordance with CherylJohnsonArtist's privacy policy. You may opt out at any time. SUBSCRIB...

Admiring Wolf Kahn

Admiring Wolf Kahn Go to my site: c Every day is a new day. Today I went for a walk and the wind was blowing quite steadily. I love the days when I can walk and dream.... I got my Pastels.....Admiring Wolf Kahn Blue Barn and Purple Barn up on Saatchi..

Sparks Adobe

Go to my site: I spent a wonderful afternoon watching a Julianne Kost video on Sparks the new Adobe product. She calls them Photo Stories. She shares on  how to do so many wonderful things. Really a nice presentation. Julianne Kost SPARK If you want to learn how to embed on your site go to her blog for adobe portfolio and on bottom you get the embed code she uses iframe generator from 7th generation…but use hers and change info to yours. go here for inspiration you will love it. Go see my first effort.