Go to my site: cheryljohnsonartist.com
Wondering how to be more creative and inspired. Life is an incredible journey and we stumble our way along searching for self.
Wish I had more time to peruse the Art Institue of Chicago
When there last my most memorable pieces were works by \
My two favorites William de Kooning and Anslem Kieffer

Wondering how to be more creative and inspired. Life is an incredible journey and we stumble our way along searching for self.
Wish I had more time to peruse the Art Institue of Chicago
When there last my most memorable pieces were works by \
My two favorites William de Kooning and Anslem Kieffer
Anselm Kiefer
German, born 1945
German, born 1945
The Order of the Angels (Die Ordnung der Engel), 1983/84

Photo by Art Institute of ChicagoWillem de Kooning's "Interchanged" is in the foreground and Jackson Pollock's “Number 17A" is in the background to the right.
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