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Art is More Than About Money

Art is More Than About Money Cheryl Johnson Artist Why do people paint?  They have a passion to create.  Just look at the Impressionists.   Paul Gaugin was first a father, a stockbroker, then an Impressionist and when he came into his own he was a working artist living in Tahiti, doing what he loved. "Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at least to the limit of one's will. Virtue, good, evil are nothing but words, unless one takes them apart in order to build something with them; they do not win their true meaning until one knows how to apply them." Paul Gauguin Often artists express with a brush what is difficult to express with words. I paint because I love the process and the way I feel in creating. There is an energy and joy that comes over me and I get lost in the finding. It is a must do element to my life. Yes I love when people enjoy my work and want to purchase the work for their home or business. I have sold both in galler...
I would love it if you would take the time to review my website: I came across this site and I am images and words “In sculpture, it isn’t a question of volumes, it is a question of something deep inside us that sculpture cannot describe”, explains the artist. “We always have one foot in normal life and one foot in the most astonishing abstraction. Life itself stems from this contradiction.” “(…) My work has nothing to do with religion. I think of it more as spirituality. The spirit brings it out and the sculpture has this amazing capacity to reveal objects that were previously hidden away, asleep. The face, for example, is the only part of our bodies that we can’t see for ourselves, except in a mirror. It is an offering to others, but it is also the mirror of the soul. (…) For me, sculpture is like a place where we can go to rest and meditate. In a world whe...

Cheryl Johnson Selected for Saatchiart The Other Art Fair Brooklyn Nov. 8-11 -2018-Come See Me

Go to my site: I am honored to be selected to the Saatchiart The Other Art Fair Brooklyn Nov. 8-11 -2018-Come See Me.