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Showing posts from September, 2017


Go to my site: Post Be  Cre ART ive.
Go to my site: Wondering how to be more creative and inspired.  Life is an incredible journey and we stumble our way along searching for self. Wish I had more time to peruse the Art Institue of Chicago  When there last my most memorable pieces were works by \ My two favorites William de Kooning and Anslem Kieffer Anselm Kiefer German, born 1945 The Order of the Angels (Die Ordnung der Engel) , 1983/84 Photo by Art Institute of Chicago Willem de Kooning's "Interchanged" is in the foreground and Jackson Pollock's “Number 17A" is in the background to the right.
Go to my site: It is Fall in Wisconsin. I have been visiting for a month due to health issues. Gall Bladder is gone and now on the mend. What am now surrounded by four-legged creatures and have come to love their energy and presence.  What wonderful subjects they are.