Go to my site: cheryljohnsonartist.com I spent a wonderful afternoon watching a Julianne Kost video on Sparks the new Adobe product. She calls them Photo Stories. http://jkost.net/photo-stories She shares on http://blogs.adobe.com/jkost/page/1?s=adobe+portfolio how to do so many wonderful things. Really a nice presentation. Julianne Kost SPARK spark.adobe.com jkost.net If you want to learn how to embed on your site go to her blog for adobe portfolio http://blogs.adobe.com/jkost/ and on bottom you get the embed code she uses iframe generator from 7th generationā¦but use hers and change info to yours. https://photofocus.com/2017/04/03/lightroom-live-adobe-spark-with-julieanne-kost/ go here for inspiration you will love it. Go see my first effort.
American Abstract Expressionist Artist: http://cheryljohnsonartist.com